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Race for Life - Middleton Band

Race for Life

Our fab band ladies team, the Brassbandits,  completed the Heaton Park 5k race for life on 12th July.

Brassbandits Race for life 2015
Brassbandits Race for life 2015

Huge thanks to all who sponsored our ladies, our team has raised £343.00 for Cancer research, a cause so close to all our hearts.

Cancer Research UK is the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. We are fighting cancer on all fronts, finding new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat it to save more lives. We are entirely funded by the public. With your help, we can ensure more people beat cancer.


To view the total figure or to make a donation (it’s not too late!) visit our just giving page https://www.justgiving.com/BrassBandits.