James Shepherd Versatile Brass

A fantastic night was had by all when we hosted the fabulous James Shepherd Versatile Brass at Middleton Arena on 17th October.

James Shepherd Versatile Brass

The evening began with a short set from our amazing youth band where we showcased our talented young musicians with a challenging programme of music from the main band’s library, including two outstanding soloists.


James Shepherd Versatile brass followed the youth band with a fantastic set featuring the talented solo playing of Rob Westacott, Helen Varley and Trevor Slade.

Middleton Band began the 2nd half of the evening with a short programme featuring a sneak preview of their soon to be released CD.


Shirley Woodward from the North West Area Bras Band Association payed a surprise visit to award several members with long service awards. Soprano cornet Louise Crane, Percussionist Bill Hutchinson and Musical Director Martyn Evans received their long service awards for 25 + years service. Tenor horn player and band chairman Fred Houghton received his 60 years service award and medal.

The evening was rounded of with another spot from James Shepherd Versatile Brass featuring  solos from  Dave Pogson and Kevin Holdgate before a massed band item with all 3 bands.



We really enjoyed the event, it was amazing to share the stage with such amazing musicians!