The band once again entertained local Middleton folk from the serene setting of the bandstand in picturesque Jubilee park. The weather was pleasant and the reception from the audience warm and welcoming.

The band began with a rousing March, Standard of St George, followed by Saddleworth Festival overture. Next up, our Solo Euph, Tom Giles played the solo ‘Benedictus.’

The band completed their first set with a range of film theme music including ‘633 squadron’ and ‘Dambusters.’
After a brief interlude the band continued with Death or Glory, Blaenwern, And the Band Played On, West Side story and Miller Magic.
Today the band featured Tori Seville in the principal cornet seat who stepped up to the plate in the absence of Adam. Tori, who had several tricky solos in many of todays programme pieces, did the band proud and showed what a versatile and capable player she is. The band is indeed very lucky to have so many players who can step up to the principal seat when required.

The band concluded a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon in the park with the jazzy ‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’
The band wish to thank their guests players today for all their help: Jess Tredrea, John Anderson and Jimmy Tew.
Our next public concert will be ‘Wellens and Brass’ on the evening of Saturday 5th September at Middleton Golf Club. For tickets for this popular event please contact